
English words and Examples of Usage

use "auctioned off " in a sentence

They auctioned off clothing by famous designers to raise money for research into AIDS.

The estate of artist Andy Warhol was auctioned off after his death.

A number of sketches by John Lennon were auctioned off in London for thousands of dollars.

A number of celebrities auctioned off personal items to raise money for the victims of the terrorist attacks.

Now the state owns only a few major military manufacturers and an oil company, though this will be auctioned off in July.

txt Mind Over Monica From: Jodie Allen To: Slate Editors Subject: finding new depths in Monica Lewinsky a friend reports that a lawyer here in town who is helping William Ginsburg, auctioned off a dinner at his house at one of the local girls' schools (Cathedral i think) recently.

The winner's curse also doesn't apply when there are many identical items being auctioned off.

Joyce Maynard auctioned off love letters written to her by J.

The price for some premier double-magnums auctioned off last year for a charity fundraiser: $2,500 to $4,000.

Here's a brief sordid history of toys-of-the-year: Fisticuffs have erupted over Cabbage Patch Kids, Tickle-Me-Elmos have been stockpiled and scalped for bank-breaking prices, Beanie Baby counterfeiters have taken rubes to the cleaners, and this year's toy-of-the-year--Furby--is already sold out of several chains and is being auctioned off on eBay for up to $200 apiece I first got suspicious about Furbys when I read their online instructions, which sounded like an excerpt from a pornographic version of G.

Should the allowances be auctioned off or be handed out for free?

The other three multiplexes were auctioned off.

In 1989 Topps auctioned off the original artwork they had accumulated over the decades and kept the profits.

In 2001, he auctioned off a Harley-Davidson motorcycle signed by his celebrity guests in an effort to help victims of the September 11 attacks.

The British Admiralty confiscated and auctioned off the war booty of art to defray the costs of the Expedition.Home, Robert (1982).

Pamela is in search of Jason, who is now part of a traveling sideshow and about to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

"The town's core commercial properties and residential streets were auctioned off at the ""Great Land Sale"" of 1891, with buyers brought in via the CPR mainline from Vancouver as well as from Eastern Canada."

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