
English words and Examples of Usage

use "ward off " in a sentence

British mythology attributed bay leaves with the power to ward off disease, witchcraft, and lightning.

I rubbed garlic all over my face when I went camping to help ward off mosquitoes.

The villagers performed a special dance to ward off evil spirits.

In the open, a tree, if once established, can meet its needs quite readily and, though it has to ward off a number of enemies, insects, disease and windstorm-its struggle for existence is comparatively easy.

Health, according to the view we have taken of it, may be compared to a musical string, tuned to a certain pitch, or note; and though perhaps in the great bulk of mankind, either from the manner of living, or from other circumstances, the excitement is a little below, and requires to be screwed up to the healthy pitch, yet there are others where it is apt to get constantly above, and where it requires letting down to this pitch; my constitution is one of these: but I have this consolation, that if I can for a few years ward off the fatal effects of some acute sthenic diseases, this tendency to sthenic diathesis will gradually wear off, and I may probably enjoy a state of good health, at a time, when most constitutions of an opposite cast begin to give way.

To cure demoniacs, to ward off destruction by lightning, to reveal the presence of witches, and to expose their nefarious practices, are some of the virtues ascribed to this plant, which superstitious farmers have spared from the scythe and encouraged to grow near their houses until it has become, even in this land of liberty, a troublesome weed at times.

” The man raised his arm fiercely, as though to ward off her approach, and took a step backward.

Vainly we endeavoured to ward off the coming lethargy.

That and a crust are all I need to keep my vigour up and to ward off le mal des montagnes.

The Greeks and Turks ward off an attack by continued horse exercise, and the latter adopt the not unpleasant remedy of a large glass of good Cyprian wine.

24 The Jews, like all Asiatic races, were much afflicted with various forms of leprosy, and as salt is an indirect antidote to cutaneous eruptions, they used it not so much as a condiment, but as a shield to ward off and protect them from those repulsive diseases which rendered those who were attacked obnoxious to their fellow-countrymen, by whom they were treated as outcasts till they had recovered from their loathsome maladies.

This simple fact alone shows that it is the imperative duty of those who have at heart the well-being of their fellow-creatures, to impress upon them in emphatic language, that if they wish their blood to be in a pure healthy condition, and to be able to ward off the insidious attacks of disease, they must make it a frequent article of diet.

The soothsayers attributed many mystic properties to coral, and it was believed to ward off the evil eye, and drive away devils and evil spirits.

Talismans were objects, usually of metal or one of the precious stones, worn about the person to ward off danger, ill-luck, or the evil eye, as well as for their supposed medicinal virtues.

The crab was worn to ward off fevers, the bull to guard against the evil-doing of others,[120] fishes kept away gout and kindred diseases, and the scorpion rendered the wearer invulnerable to the bites or stings of venomous reptiles.

Great faith was placed in the ruby as an amulet to ward off plagues and pestilences.

The chrysolite was said to ward off fevers; while the onyx, worn round the neck, was supposed to prevent an attack of epilepsy.

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