based upon in a sentence

The military, police, and legal systems of Jordan are based upon modern British models.

He derived his conclusions through logic based upon a number of widely accepted premises.

The culture of my country is based upon a hierarchy, with the King, father, and teacher at the top.

Harry Emerson Fosdick once said that democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.

D- “Wealthy” retirees who already pay more for Medicare based upon their income.

“I know that my actions and my decisions were based upon the advice of legal counsel.

Any recommendations we make will be based upon careful research and analysis, added Grant.

More assets are invested in products based upon our indices than any other provider in the world.

That is why no one should ever jump to an uninformed conclusion based upon a few seconds of video.

This provision shall not preclude a conviction based upon other admissible evidence.

Until recently, “Psilocybe” was placed taxonomically in the agaric family Strophariaceae based upon its spore and pileipellis morphology.