bearable in a sentence

They knew that doing their work cheerfully is the only way to make routine work bearable.

The imagination – that’s God’s gift, to make the act of self-examination bearable.”

But Maryland does have one incredible feature that made life there almost bearable.

Donations are used to make hospital life more bearable for children and teenagers who have cancer.

“It’s this support system that makes things like this bearable,” he said.

Many times, I’ve silently thanked my clothing for making the coldest day bearable – even pleasant.

That doesn’t make the events any more bearable or fun.

What has made it bearable though, is the kindness of professional volunteers and volunteers like Aaron.

Another plus side to the film was its short running time, as most found its 80-minute run “bearable“.

But Maryland does have one incredible feature that made life there almost bearable.

Donations are used to make hospital life more bearable for children and teenagers who have cancer.

He made comparisons with Coldplay, calling the band “self-absorbed” but said Snow Patrol were “more bearable“.

The imagination – that’s God’s gift, to make the act of self-examination bearable.”

Those rhythms were memories of their African culture and made the slaves’ lives and the work more bearable.

Use of sunglasses and hats with wide brims can make the glare outside bearable.