
English words and Examples of Usage

use "approximating" in a sentence

Mix its contents thoroughly as in step 3, and then divide the mixture between two 3 by 1 slips and carefully spread a blood film (vide page 376) on each in such a way that only one-half of the surface of each slide is covered with blood-the free edge of the blood film approximating to the longitudinal axis of the slide.

By whatever name they may be called, the spores of the Hyphomycetes are of quite a different type from any yet mentioned, approximating, perhaps, most closely to the basidiospores of the Hymenomycetes in some, and Gasteromycetes in others; as, for instance, in the Sepedoniei and the Trichodermacei.

) the action of the adductor muscles in approximating the vocal cords.

Still experience seems to show that a state at any rate very nearly approximating to it is even common: and we certainly experience continual transi[125]tions from pleasure to pain and vice versa, and thus (unless we conceive all such transitions to be abrupt) we must exist at least momentarily in this neutral state.

Still in cases approximating to this last, Common Sense is somewhat disposed to complain of the misdirection of valuable effort; so that the meed of honour commonly[402] paid to Science seems to be graduated, though perhaps unconsciously, by a tolerably exact utilitarian scale.

Because cannabinoids can linger in the system for some time, few marijuana users experience anything approximating physical withdrawal if they stop smoking.

… If we cancel Medicaid and substitute little vouchers capped at $150 dollars a month, there's not a single plan available here in New Hampshire that you can get for anything approximating the cap in this plan.

In the Kanbun system, special punctuation enables the reader to convert phrases presented in Chinese order (usually subject-verb-object) to Japanese order (usually subject-object-verb), and to supply missing inflectional endings to produce something approximating Classical Japanese.

Where the embryo was curled, the length was estimated as the sum of several linear measurements approximating the curvature of the embryo.

These plots suggested that the scatter in the data increased at a rate intermediate between ?

and ?

2, with the Affymetrix data more closely approximating proportionality to ?

2than the Incyte data (not shown).

The profile log-likelihood functions were optimized using a numerical scheme E04 JBF from [ 19 ] , asymptotic standard errors of the parameters were obtained by approximating second derivatives of the function at the maximum.

4 In static tests, marine organisms can be used at all concentrations of effluent by adjusting the salinity of the effluent to a standard salinity (such as 25‰) or to the salinity approximating that of the receiving water, by adding sufficient dry ocean salts, such as Forty Fathoms®, or equivalent, GP2 or hypersaline brine.

4 The marine organisms can be used at all concentrations of effluent by adjusting the salinity of the effluent to salinities specified for the appropriate species test condition or to the salinity approximating that of the receiving water, by adding sufficient dry ocean salts, such as FORTY FATHOMS®, or equivalent, GP2, or hypersaline brine.

006422 Note that these estimates, while approximating the full impact of daily pollution levels on daily death counts, do not capture any impacts of long-term exposure to air pollution.

When DOD Programs More Closely Approximated Best Practices, Outcomes Were Better Our analysis of DOD programs showed that those more closely approximating best practices had better outcomes.

Only first 15 results shown.

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