
English words and Examples of Usage

use "definitive" in a sentence

We haven't received a definitive answer yet as to whether Sophie has been accepted into art school.

We might as well, if it were as convenient, substitute inertia for mass, and write the expression iv2/2, for the mass, being measured by its inertia, is only the more common and less definitive word for the same thing.

Telepathy appears to me to be established in a definitive manner, but I have no personal example to cite.

The definitive result is three individuals of dominant character, to one of recessive character.

To learn the laws of the union, in one individual and definitive unity, of the infinite dominant and recessive potentialities that must encounter one another in the mysterious labyrinth in which life is prepared-therein lies the greatest problem of the present day.

That nutrition has a noteworthy influence upon growth, and therefore upon the definitive limits of stature, is exhaustively proved by statistics.

In America, for instance, such studies are conducted on a large scale, precisely for the purpose of showing the deviation of abnormal dimensions of the body from normal dimensions, not only in the definitive development of the body, but also during growth.

In place of being depressed and protuberant, as it was at birth, the cranium has grown upward and forward in the frontal region, assuming an almost definitive form; the volume of the cranium has at the same time undergone an exceedingly rapid growth, attaining proportions very near to those of an adult.

It may even happen that the five primitive nodules persist for a long time and even remain as a definitive form of the adult cranium constituting, according to Sergi, a distinct variety, the pentagonal cranium.

Furthermore, it constitutes a foundation for social embryogeny; because in the school we may study the genesis of separate individuals; the causes which molded their congenital personality, and those which brought about its definitive formation.

Reminiscences of coincidences, truth stranger than fiction, preindicative of the result of the Gold Cup flat handicap, the official and definitive result of which he had read in the Evening Telegraph, late pink edition, in the cabman's shelter, at Butt bridge.

For several years I had been subject to attacks of the singular disorder which physicians have agreed to term catalepsy, in default of a more definitive title.

USA Today leads with a story nobody else fronts, the inauguration today of a new digitized fingerprint system that will allow police around the country to send in suspects' prints electronically to the FBI main lab from their patrol cars in the field and get a definitive comparison with the bureau's prints on file, not in months as can sometimes be the case now, but in hours.

Flowers in the Dustbin is idiosyncratic enough that it's hard to imagine someone taking it as a definitive text on rock history--believing that Lou Reed was a Warhol puppet or that Johnny Rotten's rheumy dynamism was simply a product of the Situationists.

Chatterbox will continue to collect data on this subject in hopes of reaching a definitive conclusion next week.

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