degree in a sentence

Learn how to use degree in a sentence – Example sentences:

High degree of abstraction of inference rules.

It becomes marked by a certain degree of abstraction .

You can finish your academical studies with an associate ‘ s degree or a bachelor ‘s degree.

In fact, their telecommunications degree is an ABET accredited program since 2008.

Use the ablative of degree of difference.

In fact, their telecommunications degree is an ABET accredited program since 2008.

Can she get the law degree?

She has a degree in biology.

I took my degree in biology.

She received a doctor’s degree.

He is conservative to a degree.

He got a master’s degree in law.

To what degree can we trust him?

She can be trusted to some degree.

What degree of interest did he show?

He has a doctor’s degree in psychology.

I am in no small degree indebted to him.

He was arrested for first degree murder.

She got a master’s degree three years ago.

Distance per degree of longitude at equator.

His grandfather was a soldier of high degree.

She accepted the proposal to a certain degree.

The Earth’s axis is tilted to a certain degree.

In Japan beef has a high degree of marbled fat.

He would probably die before he got his degree.

You can believe his report to a certain degree.

The college bestowed an honorary degree on him.

You can trust him to some degree but not wholly.

Her mother has a degree in Behavioral Psychology.

He was, to some degree, satisfied with the result.

His wife is pursuing a psychology degree at university.

Water boils at a temperature of degree centigrade.

EldadFirst-degree burns involve only the outer layer of skin.

He’s bent on having a doctor’s degree before he’s thirty.

Rice farming has been developed to a high degree in Japan.

Their efforts made the situation better to a certain degree.

The governor compromised on the subject to a certain degree.

A high degree of specialization is required in that company.

Find someone who hopes to pursue a university degree.

puzzleShe has a Master’s degree in a special field of biochemistry.

Millions of North Americans cope with some degree of hearing loss.

The suspect was given the third degree until he confessed his crime.

Social movements imply some degree of group action and shared goals.

He went overseas to teach ESL after finishing his Linguistics degree.

Cooperation implies compromise in which everyone benefits to some degree.

Today, we can tell how the weather will be with a high degree of accuracy.

Discussion question: Is defiance of the law acceptable if the law is unfair? degreeNowadays, you can study for school, or even obtain a degree using the Internet.

He has finished his degree, and is currently articling with a law firm downtown.

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