direction in a sentence

Learn how to use direction in a sentence – Example sentences:

The band quickly became widely acclaimed under his direction.

The abrogation of the NEP decree was therefore a step in the right direction.

Which direction did he go?

He has no sense of direction.

Which direction is the park in?

She cast an eye in his direction.

A car was coming in this direction.

I’m sorry I’ve mistaken the direction.

Cut the cloth in a diagonal direction.

We hurried in the direction of the fire.

He ran away in the direction of the wood.

He went in the opposite direction from us.

I look to him for direction in everything.

The typhoon moved in a westerly direction.

I was walking in the direction of the town.

I went in the direction my friend indicated.

The army was advancing in the wrong direction.

She steered our efforts in the right direction.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreaMs. I walked in a contrary direction to everyone else.

The plane flew away in the direction of Hong Kong.

The thief ran away in the direction of the station.

I am afraid we are advancing in the wrong direction.

I have a good sense of direction, so I don’t get lost.

Drugs should be used only at the direction of a doctor.

He set off in the wrong direction and got lost in the woods.

It seems that our sense of direction is not always reliable.

I have no sense of direction so I always travel with a compass.

I looked in the direction of the window, but didn’t see anything.

They communicate the distance and direction of the food by dancing.

She massaged his back following the direction of the muscles fibers.

She gets lost really easily.

She’s got no sense of direction.

No sooner had she caught sight of me than she started running in my direction.

A fly can react to something it sees, and change direction in 30 milliseconds.

I am going in the same direction.

Come with me.

I will take you there.

White lines on the road are used to separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

Much of our behavior is controlled by internal factors that compel us in the direction of a goal.

Someone once said that lack of opportunity is often nothing more than lack of purpose or direction.

This new government is expected to steer the economy in a new direction, with its major cuts to taxes.

I almost got my head knocked off when the boom swung around as Gary adjusted the direction of the sails.

The car slid going around a corner in the rain, and almost hit someone coming from the opposite direction.

Firefighters fear that if the wind changes direction, it could blow the fire in the direction of a nearby town.

General Douglas MacArthur once declared, “We’re not retreating, we’re just advancing in a different direction.

“Shareholders in the company need to have more input as to the direction the company takes over the next few years.

Ideologists within the party have different interpretations of the direction they should take in the next election.

Using the rudder and the jib with the wind behind it we backed up, turning the bow to the direction we wanted to go.

The car swerved around a dog lying in the middle of the street and almost hit another car coming from the opposite direction.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote that love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

I glared briefly in the referee’s direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose.

Dammit, the fight’s a fixup!?

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