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Example Sentences for "aphis"

The yellow ant, that lives an almost subterranean life, actually domesticates flocks and herds of root-feeding aphids; the brown ant appropriates those that live among the bark of trees; and the common black garden ant (Lasius niger), devoting itself to the aphis of the rose bushes, protects it in extraordinary ways, delightfully described by the author of "Ants, Bees, and Wasps.

Like its relative the aphis of rose bushes (see wild roses), the cochineal fastens itself to a cactus plant by its sucking tube, to live on the juices.

According to Behrandt, diapause occurs at the end of anatrepsis (germband immersion) in Aphis fabae .

This has been corroborated by the observation that in Sitobioum graminum the majority of embryos also pass winter at the end of anatrepsis [ 13 ] , and the same may be true of Aphis pomi in Virginia USA [ 14 ] .

Other aphids, however, including German clones of Aphis pomi, appear to develop constantly throughout the winter, with no definite resting stage [ 15 ] .

To keep these insects at their disposal, Hymenoptera act in various ways: some, who are a little experienced, are content to take advantage of a free aphis which chance may put in their way; others shut up their cattle in stables situated in the midst of the ant-hill, or else pen them in the country at a spot where they can best find their food.

But what struck me most was that the aphides showered down their excretions independently of the ants’ solicitations, while at other times I noticed that an ant would approach an aphis without getting anything, and would then go to another.

The woolly aphis attacks the roots of the fruit tree, the trunk and limbs are preyed upon by millions of scale insects and borers, the leaves are devastated by the all-devouring leaf worms, canker worms and tent caterpillars, while the fruit itself is attacked by the codling moth, curculio and apple maggot.

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