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Example Sentences for "archeological "

"34 16 Achmed's Backstory In 1948, as war clouds darkened the deserts, Abra Maslow was at Petra, "Rose-Red City of Biblical Edom35," with an archeological team, measuring the girth and length of the columns of sandstone carved into the living rock by the Natabeans.

It also happens to be the site of one of the world's most important archeological discoveries, known as Java Man, and of vast coffee plantations (hence the common usage of the term java to mean coffee).

Working from firsthand reports as well as archeological and scientific data, Krech asserts that Native Americans are not the proto-environmentalists so fondly imagined by "spiritually undernourished Americans" (in the words of The New Yorker 's Nicholas Lemann).

Kyushu enjoys its special place in the national mythology as the cradle of Japanese civilization, despite the support of only a meager amount of archeological evidence.

Some of Jerusalem’s historians and Christian communities have mapped out other possible routes, based on alternative traditions and archeological evidence.

At Lembah Bujang is an archeological site that may date back to a fifth-century Hindu Kingdom called Langkasuka.

The new wing, completed in 1983, has more galleries and archeological exhibits, including a reconstruction of the early human settlements at the Niah Caves.

Recent archeological findings show six different cultures lived in the area, with settlements dating back to 300 b.

At the western end of the island, the small Museo Río Cuale features archeological artifacts found in the region.

Zihuatanejo also has one of the better archeological museums on the Pacific coast.

Just before reaching La Base, on the beach side of the Costera, is the Casa de la Cultura, a small cultural complex with rotating art exhibits and an archeological museum.

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Example sentences with the archeological , a sentence example for archeological , and how to make archeological in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for archeological how do I use the word archeological in a sentence? How do you spell archeological in a sentence? spelling of archeological

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