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Example Sentences for "aristocrat "

He was a socalled aristocrat by birth.

It doesn't matter what the subject is, always provided that he can lug in the bloated aristocrat and the hated Tory.

" he answers: To give arms to all men who offer an honest price for them, without respect of persons or principles; to aristocrat and republican, to Nihilist and Tsar, to burglar and policeman, to black man, white man and yellow man, to all sorts and conditions, all nationalities, all faiths, all follies, all causes and all crimes.

Wells and Shaw are both socialists, but this is not the tie, for, as the English aristocrat said: "We are all socialists now.

The young English workingman who tells the story is infuriated against the young aristocrat who had seduced his sweetheart and is pursuing them with a revolver when the "Great Change" comes.

Godard), an American alcoholic and leftist in recovery, long-time comrade of Achmed, MonaLisa and Novy, a lesbian couple with two daughters, one of whom is murdered in the first scene of The Story, Countess Karen Blitzen Yousopoff, the stick-thin aristocrat who directs public relations for the World Trade Organization and functions as a liason to many paramilitary groups, Col.

Those of conservative or center-right proclivities characteristically look at America's past through the eyes of Alexis de Tocqueville, the French aristocrat who toured the fledgling United States in the 1830s, gathering observations and ideas that were, in due course, published in Democracy in America .

When Renoir's well-off fellow Impressionists, the aristocrat Manet or the banker's son Degas, strolled through the working-class neighborhoods of Montmartre, they were consciously slumming.

His was, as he saw it, a continuous poetic journey, aided here and there by slaves or muses--Arthur Symons, the symbolist who introduced him to the poetry of Paul Verlaine and Stéphane Mallarmé in the 1890s, Maud Gonne, who made Irish nationalism romantic, Lady Augusta Gregory, an Irish Protestant aristocrat who collaborated with Yeats in his search of old Irish folklore and legends, and Ezra Pound, who stiffened Yeats' soft "Celtic" verse with a little modernist geometry.

The sculptures were bought in 1803 from the then-Turkish authorities in Athens by the British aristocrat Lord Elgin, who subsequently donated them to the British Museum.

The aristocrat or court patron lent his prestige to a powerful provincial proprietor, who employed a competent estate-manager to oversee smallholders, who in turn worked their farms with dependent laborers.

Within the cloister, in the north gallery, is a striking fresco of the Triumph of Death (1360) showing how a humble person and an aristocrat face the same destiny.

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