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Example Sentences for "assertive "

People who are assertive can sometimes be seen as overly aggressive.

It is socially unacceptable for women to be assertive in my culture.

Find someone who considers her/himself to be an assertive person.

assess Gore was more assertive and, some argue, more personable than in the past.

" He also accused Washington of "seeking two privileged [European] allies: Poland in the east, Britain in the west" with, as its goal, "the gradual undoing of the assertive policies of the European Union, and rejection of a political Europe led by France and Germany, in favor of a NATO under U.

" If it's really a no-hoper, you must be assertive and spare both of you more years of unhappiness.

Self-styled natural law theologian Anthony Moccia writes in Happily Ever After: How To Stay Married and Be Happy Too! that "a husband has more of a chance to keep his marriage together if he is rough and abusive but assertive than if he is kind and considerate but submissive.

Pundits said the debate reinforced the race's existing dynamics: 1) McCain continued to "portray himself as an outsider and as the only candidate willing to speak often unpopular truths", 2) Bauer, Forbes, Hatch, and Keyes highlighted their conservative credentials while painting Bush as an unprincipled centrist, and 3) Bush maintained his front-runner status , responding to attacks with "a more assertive demeanor and a more confident manner" than in previous debates.

Those feminists who emphasize success within the world as we know it tend to encourage women to purge their speech of tag endings and to retrain themselves to speak in what is perceived as a more masculine, more assertive way.

A simple John Doe suggests that you are rather outspoken, an assertive loner.

President Carter's assertive national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, took charge, and the coordination function remained thereafter in the White House.

This is a far cry from the assertive Emperor Meiji, whose radical social and political policies in the late-19th century launched Japan into the modern era.

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