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Example Sentences for "atrocities "

Reports of atrocities are now widespread in the former British colony.

Many atrocities were committed during the war.

On the whole, there is no exaggeration in saying that, at the dawn of the nineteenth century, England was passing through an epoch of criminality darker than any other in her annals; the resurrectionist atrocities of Burke and Hare, the more inhuman villanies of Williams and Bishop the cold-blooded depravity of Vaughan and his accomplices, and the other lurid crimes which belong to this age, surpass in enormity anything before or since.

The LAT continues its detailed coverage of atrocities in Kosovo with a report that some Kosovars may be waging an organized ethnic cleansing campaign.

Its very first sentence throws down the moral gauntlet: "Six months after leading NATO into a 78-day air war campaign to stop 'ethnic cleansing' in Kosovo and serving notice that it would not let such human-rights atrocities go unchallenged again, the Clinton administration has decided to limit its military role.

The Post reviews evidence of atrocities tied to the Indonesian military.

The stunner in today's news was the atrocities by some U.

"And then you want to tell me you're not a racist! You better think about it, my friend! You better think about what you're doing!" Nobody called Keyes on the most outrageous thing he said in the debate, that atrocities in Kosovo were mostly "propaganda" devised by the Clinton administration in order to manipulate the American public into supporting a war.

Sure, the atrocities heaped on the children throw you out of the movie the same way the hospital scene in The Third Man does--but if the point of the movie is that war isn't fun and games, then it should be equally assaultive on all points.

Also, Simova discovered the truth about the wartime atrocities almost immediately afterward, including her own parents' deaths in Auschwitz.

Australian aborigines have long sought acknowledgment of the atrocities inflicted upon them.

Becker succeeds in establishing the famine "as one of the worst atrocities of all time" (Richard Bernstein, the New York Times ).

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