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Example Sentences for "attribution "

The attribution of the long lost manuscript to William Shakespeare has now been authenticated by a team of experts.

auction THE LANGUAGE OF ALCHEMY The vagueness of the general conceptions of alchemy, and the attribution of ethical qualities to material things by the alchemists, necessarily led to the employment of a language which is inexact, undescriptive, and unsuggestive to modern ears.

This usual attribution explains spiritistic belief.

Indeed, considering the general low level of the engraved work, there is some temptation to find a Dutch or Flemish origin for any specimen of engraving that shows superior technical or artistic qualities; and there is little doubt that in the case of the earlier pieces at least, such an attribution would be justified.

It is urged that “rightness” is properly an attribute of means, not of ends: so that the attribution of it merely implies that the act judged right is the fittest or only fit means to the realisation of some end understood if not expressly stated: and similarly that the affirmation that anything ‘ought to be done’ is always made with at least tacit reference to some ulterior end.

For (1) analogy would lead us to conclude that the attribution of goodness, in the case of conduct as of objects of taste generally, may correspond not to all the pleasure that is caused by the conduct, but to a specific pleasure, in this case the contemplative satisfaction which the conduct causes to a disinterested spectator: and (2) it may not excite even this specific pleasure generally in proportion to its goodness, but only (at most) in persons of good moral taste: and even in their case we can distinguish the intellectual apprehension of goodness-whi I do not mean that we regard these motives as of equal moral value: but that the presence or absence of any one or other of them is not implied in our attribution of the virtue of veracity.

Lewis has been a reliable First Amendment defender, but his last column suggested that judges should hold journalists in contempt (and even throw them in jail)if they keep publishing "stories without attribution based on gossip, speculation and innuendo.

You probably know more than I do about the use of computers for attribution studies.

Now, given all the express attribution in the piece, the effect here is one of Will's deep, deep knowledge: Who knew from August Kubizek?

(The resulting issues of attribution are a nightmare for scholars.

22 "Readme" for attribution of a quotation: When I was a sophomore about 45 years ago, I was told by my English professor that "I don't like writing, I like having written" was said by Robert Louis Stevenson.

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