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use "distinguish" in a sentence

Children under the age of 4 cannot always distinguish between the truth and a lie.

Witnesses to the crime said the suspect had no distinguishing features.

The Beatles distinguished themselves as perhaps the most important popular musical group of the century.

This beer is

distinguishable by its light berry flavors.

I could hear people talking in the next room, but no words were distinguishable.

It was hard to distinguish if it was a man or a woman in the dark room.

Creativity and deviance can sometimes be difficult to


Calvin had a long and distinguished career in medicine.

Arthur C. Clarke once said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Biologists have discovered that the fingerprints of koala bears are almost indistinguishable from

those of a human.

The human eye can distinguish about 17,000 colors.

Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints and, in fact, koala prints cannot be distinguished from human fingerprints.

Culture has been described as a complex of ideas, or learned habits, that inhibit impulses and distinguish people from animals.

Scientists are now mapping patterns of tiny differences in DNA which distinguish one human from another.

The ability to reproduce is one of the distinguishing characteristics of living things.

The human ear can distinguish more than 1,500 different musical tones.

Fijian soldiers distinguished themselves in battle during the Second World War.

It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between an American and Canadian accent.

There are not always visible distinguishing characteristics between different species of rhinoceros.

Scientist Amaeo Avogadro first distinguished molecules from atoms in 1811.

dive - disturb - district - distribute - distract - distort - 

The word distinguish sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the distinguish, a sentence example for distinguish, and how to make distinguish in sample sentence, how do I use the word distinguishin a sentence?spell distinguish in a sentence? spelling of distinguishw