valid in a sentence

Example Sentences for "valid"

Your visitor's visa is valid for three months only.

Economist Milton Friedman once suggested that the only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience.

Your athletics pass is only valid for a few more days, so you should take advantage of it.

There are few valid reasons for not having your child immunized against disease.

All drivers must ensure that their vehicles have a valid and current license plate, and enough insurance.

In Burma, a couple need only live and eat together to become married, and the marriage is valid if the neighbors recognize it as such.

In March of 1990, the Soviet government ruled that Lithuania's declaration of independence was invalid, and that Soviet law was still in force in the Baltic republic.

According to independent vote monitors, Serbia's first presidential elections since Slobodan Milosevic's removal from power were considered invalid because of low turnout.

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