high-flown in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "high-flown"

This usage is commonplace in the Bible, but in Modern Hebrew it is restricted to high-flown literary works.

The themes of the poetry range from high-flown hymns of praise to bitter personal attacks and from religious and mystical ideas to poems on sex and wine.

intellectual debate at the highest level becomes but a high-flown variation on the 'new blue whitener' theme invented to boost the flagging sales of an already perfectly adequate detergent.

The video-game vocabulary supports a high-flown register.

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Example sentences with the high-flown, a sentence example for high-flown, and how to make high-flown in sample sentence, how do I use the word high-flown in a sentence? How do you spell high-flown in a sentence? spelling of high-flown

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