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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "baseness "

If we are asked what is the political condition of Cyprus, we can only say that it is busied with small matters, in important affairs it is all baseness and subserviency.

It is the baseness with which we are just now concerned.

It's perfectly obvious that with the most inherent baseness he has cribbed some of my bestselling copy, really gorgeous stuff, a perfect gem, the love passages in which are beneath suspicion.

Asceticism and Puritanism are almost indispensable means of educating and ennobling a race which seeks to rise above its hereditary baseness and work itself upwards to future supremacy.

"Here one would think that to get out of all the baseness and the mess, one’s own and other people’s, would be a good thing, and yet I’m afraid of death, awfully afraid of death.

" said Darya Alexandrovna, as though despising him for the baseness of this feeling in comparison with that other feeling which only women know.

I had no consolation in seeing how different she was from this detestable Rufus with the mulberry-coloured great-coat, for I felt that in the very difference between them, in the self-denial of her pure soul and the sordid baseness of his, the greatest danger lay.

The rest was left contingent on the value of my professional exertions; in other and more expressive words, on the baseness of my nature, the cupidity of my motives, the poverty of my family, the general moral (or rather immoral) resemblance between myself and-HEEP.

Unfortunately, this is hardly just a foible of youth, rather, it seems endemic to cultures that have shied away from the abattoir and the baseness of human behavior.

The victorious hero perceives that he has conquered in vain: the baseness and stupidity of men have remained unaltered.

Then it becomes vexed and indignant with the baseness of the world and the difficulties it encounters.


Which is the principal aim of these three? Certainly self-reformation and self-purification.

Only to this aim can we always strive independently of circumstances.

But at the same time just this aim demands the greatest efforts of us; and so, led astray by pride, losing sight of this aim, we occupy ourselves either with the mystery which in our impurity we are unworthy to receive, or seek the reformation of the human race while ourselves setting an example of baseness and profligacy.

Illuminism is not a pure doctrine, just because it is attracted by social activity and puffed up by pride.

On this ground Joseph Alexeevich condemned my speech and my whole activity, and in the depth of my soul I agreed with him.

Talking of my family affairs he said to me, "the chief duty of a true Mason, as I have told you, lies in perfecting himself.

We often think that by removing all the difficulties of our life we shall more qu something new was appearing on his own horizon-from that day the problem of the vanity and uselessness of all earthly things, that had incessantly tormented him, no longer presented itself.

That terrible question "Why?" "Wherefore?" which had come to him amid every occupation, was now replaced, not by another question or by a reply to the former question, but by her image.

When he listened to, or himself took part in, trivial conversations, when he read or heard of human baseness or folly, he was not horrified as formerly, and did not ask himself why men struggled so about these things when all is so transient and incomprehensible-but he remembered her as he had last seen her, and all his doubts vanished-not because she had a ... d him, but because his conception of her transferred him instantly to another, a brighter, realm of spiritual activity in which no one could be justified or guilty-a realm of beauty and love which it was worth living for.

Whatever worldly baseness presented itself to him, he said to himself: It was a warm, gray morning.

Princess Mary stopped at the porch, still horrified by her spiritual baseness and trying to arrange her thoughts before going to her father.

The doctor came downstairs and went out to her.

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