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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "bayonet "

in diameter, closed by a wire gauze cover which is weighted with lead or fastened to the mouth of the jar by a bayonet catch.

diameter, with "pull-off" cap secured by a bayonet catch, previously sterilised in the hot-air oven, is the most convenient receptacle for samples of soil.

The bayonet and sheath are also made lighter.

They were all slightly and somewhat casually interested in noting the mode and manner of death of the different men, and the suspicion of professional jealousy evinced by a remark of Billy Simson’s was no doubt more or less felt by all, and all were a little disappointed that there was not more evidence of the bayonet having done its share.

There were sleeting rifle bullets, and hailing storms from the86 machine guns, shattering bombs and grenades, rending and tearing shrapnel and shell splinters, the cold-blooded creeping murder of a gas attack perhaps; the more human heat and stir of a bayonet charge; but all were willing, nay, more, all would have welcomed the immediate facing of the risks and dangers, would have gladly taken the chance to go on and get it over, and get back again-such of them as were left-to where they could walk about on firm ground, and stretch their limbs and bodies to sleep in comparative dryness.

Kentucky made his way back to his own portion of the trench, and borrowing a pocket looking-glass periscope, clipped it to his bayonet and watched for some time with absorbed interest the tongues of flame that licked out from the bursting shells, and the puffing clouds of smoke that rolled along the ground in front of the German parapet.

They were all very sick of these repeated series of hammerings from the German guns, and Pug voiced the idea of a good many, when at the end of a couple of hours the message came along that they were to attack with the bayonet in fifteen minutes.

Kentucky ran on, leaped at the low parapet, scrambled on top of it, swung the point of his bayonet down, and poised himself for the leap.

You’d better come with us and have your bayonet ready.

I’ve lost my bayonet men.

It’s a German, but it’ll do for bayonet work if we need it.

cked his downward leap from a first instinctive and absurd fear of hurting the men he would jump down upon, recovered himself, and swung his rifle forward and thrust and again thrust savagely down at the gray coats and helmets below him, saw the bright steel strike and pierce a full half its length with no other feeling than a faint surprise that he should sense so little check to its smooth swing, shortened the grip on his rifle, and, thrusting again as he jumped, leaped down into the space his bayonet had cleared.

Then when the Anzacs slowed to a walk and came to within arm’s length, with their bayonet points up, one of the Germans dropped his hand and flashed out a pistol.

The other Germans dropped their hands too, but whether to run or fight-the bayonet finished them without a chance to answer that.

He had a momentary vision of men grouped about a black dug-out mouth hurling grenades down it; joined a wild rush with several others on a group of gray-coated Germans who stood firm even to a bayonet finish.

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