
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "be "

In 2003, Canadian Hayley Wickenheiser became the first female hockey player to be drafted by a professional men's hockey team.

The next train will be less crowded than this one.

Weather in this part of the country is quite unpredictable, it can rain, snow and be sunny all in the space of a few hours.

Patricia Schroeder once suggested that many women have more power than they recognize, and they're very hesitant to use it for they fear they won't be loved.

Citing credible threats that terrorists might be planning attacks on American targets, the U.


government recently raised the threat level to orange, indicating a high risk of a terrorist attack.

He's a drinker, so wine would probably be good for a souvenir.

In Siberia, it can get so cold that the moisture in a person's breath freezes, and can actually be heard when it falls to earth as ice crystals.

He cannot be a slow learner.

I would hate to work as an undertaker and be around dead bodies all day.

Let's all think on this together and we might be able to come up with some good ideas.

They say two heads are better than one.

The death penalty should be abolished.

More than 300 technical staff gathered around computers at Microsoft Corp.

's headquarters on New Year's Eve 1999, marking the new millennium by waiting to see if there were any major problems which might be generated as a result of Y2K bugs.

The first pilot of a powered airplane to be killed was Eug?ne Lef?bvre in France, on September 7, 1909.

You will soon be used to living in a big city.

Bee stings can be very painful.

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