
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "beget "

If this were not so, there would be no constancy of species, and a horse might beget a calf or a sow have a litter of puppies, which is never the case,-for in all time we find repeated in the offspring the structure, the instincts and all the general characteristics of the parents, and never those of another species.

Now the advantages or disadvantages of this system depend entirely on the object we have in view, whether merely to beget an animal for the butcher, or for the purpose of perpetuating the species.

Mating a horse for speed with a draft mare, will more likely beget progeny good for neither, than for both.

I have stood the longer in the Preface, because that prejudice which the meere title of the booke may beget cannot easily be removed without a great deale of preparation, and I could not tell otherwise how to rectifie the thoughts of the Reader for an impartiall survey of the following discourse.

Nature doth first beget the imperfect, then Proceeds she to the perfect.

She has meekly borne many wrongs, being driven through water and fire, and compelled to ascend and descend times without number-yet has she been carried through it all by the hope of entering with me the bridal chamber, wherein we expect to beget a son adorned from his birth with the royal crown which he may not share with others.

Love is the essential spirit of fecundity whose one purpose is to beget life.

Also, more Madeleine Albright hoopla, this time about her Jewish ancestry: A long article contends that family secrets usually do more harm than good ("lies beget other lies").

" He got married, at 55, to (as Jeal put it) "a sporting girl whose interest in outdoor comradeship seemed at least as great as her desire for sexual fulfillment," and he even managed to beget three children.

The father can beget new offspring safe from Macbeth's hand, the son is the palpable threat.

In short, complexity and diversity would beget classicity irreversibly.

One photon hitting a visual pigment molecule can beget a neural response.

We propose that L1 elements also exist as two populations, and that L1s with patterned tails beget other elements with patterned tails.

time, in spite of all the bitter things she swallowed,-God help all little children in the hands of dosing doctors and howling dervishes! Restless Samuel Gorton, now tamed by the burden of fourscore and two years, writes so touching an account of his infirmities, and expresses such overflowing gratitude for the relief he has obtained from the Governor's prescriptions, wondering how "a thing so little in quantity, so little in sent, so little in taste, and so little to sence in operation, should beget and bring forth such efects," that we repent our hasty exclamation, and bless the memory of the good Governor, who gave relief to the worn-out frame of our long-departed brother, the sturdy old heretic of Rhode Island.

If both the parties to a marriage be feeble, or if they be not temperamentally adapted to each other, so that their children would be deformed, insane, or idiotic, then to beget offspring would be a flagrant wrong.

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