
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "belatedly "

Only now are the Times and the rest of the press belatedly offering a corrective revision.

It's a moment of sheer absurdity played straight and almost in slow motion, until we realize belatedly that the escalating surrealism has just earned us the only weeping session of the season.

As Gore belatedly realized, "support" is the better answer, because it leaves open the theoretical possibility of appointing a military officer so honorable that he will work assiduously to implement a policy he personally disagrees with.

Several American pundits belatedly conceded that they had covered the story obsessively based on their false intimacy with Diana and their whitewashed view of her character.

Several American pundits belatedly conceded that they had covered the story obsessively based on their false intimacy with Diana and their whitewashed view of her character.

The Times of India said that the pauperization of various East Asian nations "is belatedly being recognised as a ticking time bomb which may explode, plunging the region into acute political and social chaos," and it criticized conservative policies for dealing with this.

All the problems the Republican radicals are belatedly recognizing now were totally obvious at the outset.

The software giant belatedly realized the importance of courting politicians and the press, but the Microsoft charm offensive is too late: The company has already been tarred as a bully in the court of public opinion.

The study found that effective design review practices result in less rework on the part of the construction contractor, fewer change orders to correct design errors and omissions, and lowering the cost of belatedly adding project upgrade features that should have been addressed in the original design.

Areas of savings include less rework on the part of the construction contractor, fewer change orders to the owner for correction of design errors or omissions, and a lowering of the cost of belatedly adding project upgrade features that should have been addressed in the original design.

Areas of savings include less rework on the part of the construction contractor, fewer change orders for correction of design errors or omissions, and the cost of belatedly adding project upgrade features that should have been addressed in the original design.

Areas of savings include less rework on the part of the construction contractor, fewer change orders to the owner for correction of design errors or omissions, and the cost of belatedly adding project upgrade features that should have been addressed in the original design.


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