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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "bells "

Henry Grunwald once said that home is the wallpaper above the bed, the family dinner table, the church bells in the morning, the bruised shins of the playground, the small fears that come with dusk, the streets and squares and monuments and shops that constitute one's first universe.

All across the country, church bells tolled in mourning for the death of the President.

Chinese opera was originally a street performance, and great noise would be made with drums and bells at the beginning of the show in order to attract an audience.

The bells chimed as the couple left the church.

Chinese opera was originally a street performance, and great noise would be made with drums and bells at the beginning of the show in order to attract an audience.

Henry Grunwald once said that home is the wallpaper above the bed, the family dinner table, the church bells in the morning, the bruised shins of the playground, the small fears that come with dusk, the streets and squares and monuments and shops that constitute one's first universe.

[19] In the group before us a number of elegant bells or vases stand at the end of long stalks, as shown at the top of the frontispiece, while round the tops of the bells, the vibrations of a wreath or cilia produce little vortices or whirlpools, and hence comes the family name.

Different specimens and species of Vorticellæ vary in the length of their bells from one three or four thousandth to one hundred and twentieth of an inch, and when they are tolerably large, the dark ground illumination produces a beautiful effect.

The bells shine with a pearly iridescent lustre, and their cilia flash with brilliant prismatic colours.

The bells or cups are not, as might be fancied from a casual inspection, open like wineglasses at the top, but furnished with a retractile disk or cover, on which the cilia are arranged.

The reader will remember that in the Vorticella previously described, the bells stood upon stalks that were very flexible, and retractile by means of a muscle running down their length.

In general structure the bells of the Epistylis and the Carchesium resemble the common Vorticella, and like them may be seen with a power of about one hundred linear for general effect, and with a higher one for the examination[74] of special points.

[13] An interesting Epistylis, called Digitalis, from its bells resembling fox-glove flowers in shape, occurs as a parasite upon the Cyclops quadricornis, a very common entomostracan in fresh-water ponds.

The softest and sweetest sounds may be increased to such a degree as to be extremely unpleasant: and when we are in the steeple of a church, the noise of a peal of bells stuns and confounds our senses, while at a distance their effect is very pleasant.

This is evident from a peal of bells being heard in the same order in which they are rung, whether we are near, or at a distance.

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