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Example Sentences for "benjamin "

First, we will talk to Doctor Benjamin Burns.

For a long time the opinion of Sir Benjamin Brodie concerning the presence of water in the lungs of the drowned was accepted, who says "that the admission of water into the lungs is prevented by a spasm of the muscles of the glottis cannot, however, be doubted, since we are unable to account for it in any other manner.

I am the nephew of good old Benjamin Bunker, the virtuous and the disinterested.

It was addressed to Miss Messenger, and was signed Benjamin Bunker.

'I give to my said trustees, John Skelton and Benjamin Bunker, the three freehold houses as follows: that called number twenty-nine on Stepney Green, forty-five in Beaumont Square, and twenty-three in Redman's Row, upon trust to apply the rents and income of the same as in their absolute discretion they may think fit for the maintenance, education, and benefit of the said Caroline, until she be twenty-one years old or until she marry, and to invest from time to time the accumulations of such rents and income as is hereintofore provided, and to apply the same when invested in all respects as I direct concerning the last above-mentioned premises.

And the trustees were John Skelton and Benjamin Bunker.

Kites were19 sent up for meteorological purposes even before Benjamin Franklin’s immortal experiment in 1752.

Humphreys in 1913; but the idea that volcanic dust might be the cause of cold seasons was suggested by Benjamin Franklin as early as 1784.

141 CHAPTER IX ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY Every schoolboy has read how Benjamin Franklin, by means of his famous kite experiment, demonstrated the electrical nature of lightning, and how the same versatile genius invented the lightning rod.

In the year 1770, when Benjamin Franklin was president of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, a paper was read before that society entitled: “An Attempt to account for the Change of Climate which has been Observed in the Middle Colonies of North America.

Professor Benjamin Pierce soon afterwards demonstrated that the 132 rings could not be continuous solids; and Clerk Maxwell finally showed that they can be neither solid nor liquid sheets, but that all the known conditions would be answered by supposing them to consist of a flock of separate and independent bodies, moving in orbits nearly circular, and in one plane-in fact, a swarm of meteors.

[104] William of Tyre says that the glass of his native town was exported to all countries, and Benjamin of Tudela, the Spanish Rabbi, praises the beauty of the glass vases there made.

[1] It might well have borne the same title as Benjamin Tucker's volume on anarchism: "Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One.

Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard.

They don't come down here now; they're all mastheaded on them mountings for the fear of Benjamin Gunn.

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