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Example Sentences for "benny "

The press ridiculed this and other passages from Nancy Reagan : the night the Reagans smoked pot with Jack Benny and George Burns, Kelley's implication that Frank Sinatra boffed Nancy Reagan.

Temporally, it spanned a thousand days, from 1977 to 1979, spatially, it occupied a handsome former opera house that was also a former TV studio ( The Jack Benny Show , What's My Line?

The records were received as instant masterpieces, in breathless appreciations that couldn't begin to take in the complex way that Miles and Gil had at once gone more commercial than Benny Goodman and yet created some of the most deeply vulnerable American music around.

"Most of the people who walk into the office have something wrong with them," said Petty Officer Benny Granillo, a Navy recruiter.

"--New Yorker Benny Chang hates the mayor's ban on Chinese New Year firecrackers.

That depends on how well Benny did in his Intellectual Property Law course.

To me, the funniest comedians by far, chiefly because much of their humor is linguistic in nature, are the Two Ronnies (Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett), whose TV appearances came to an end early in 1988 with Barker's announced retirement to run a business in antiques, for which he doubtlessly acquired a taste from Benny Hill's jokes.

Other unpleasant questions arise from inconsistencies: 1) Why is George Gershwin identified as being “of Russian-Jewish family” while Irving Berlin is described as “Russian-born, “and Benny Goodman and Leonard Bernstein as “American”?

While he was alive, Jack Benny entertained millions.


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