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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "bills "

The counterfeit bills flooded the market over the weekend.

We have a number of outstanding bills to pay before we can start calculating our profits.

Placed in a pile, one million dollars in $1 bills would be 110 meters high.

The young man counted out ten crisp new one hundred dollar bills for the used car.

Do you want small bills or large?

He pulled a bundle of fifty dollar bills out of his pocket and proceeded to count out $400.

You still have a few bills outstanding that need to be settled before we can sell you any more merchandise.

I'd like to have smaller bills mixed in.

We have a batch of bills to pay, so we can't really afford to go skiing this month.

He greatly promoted and encouraged the making of the pleasure grounds and building on the rock, called Fort Montague; and he instructed and assisted the poor man, who is called the Governor, to institute a bank, and to print and issue small bills of the value of a few halfpence, in imitation of the notes of the country bankers, but drawn and signed with a reference of humour to the fort, the flag, the hill, and the cannon.

The estimates of the quantities of food in the two dietaries just quoted were made from tradesmen's bills and the composition was calculated from analyses of similar materials rather than of those actually used.

I’m much obliged to you, and, just to show you that I’m in a good humour, I’ll pay whatever bills you’ve been incurring on my account.

Whatever was written or printed on bills in the window, no difference was ever made to them.

104 Very different indeed from the Parliaments which overthrew Richard the Second and Charles the First were the Parliaments which, almost without a question, passed bills of attainder against any man against whom Henry’s caprice had turned, the Parliaments which, in the great age of religious controversy, were ever ready to enforce by every penalty that particular shade of doctrine which for the moment commended itself to the Defender of the Faith, to his son or to his daughters.

(60) One special sign of the advance of the power of Parliament in the fifteenth century was the practice of bringing in bills in the form of Statutes ready made.

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Example sentences with the bills , a sentence example for bills , and how to make bills in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for bills how do I use the word bills in a sentence? How do you spell bills in a sentence? spelling of bills

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