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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "blaring "

His ears were filled with the incessant hum in various notes, now the busy hum of the working bee flying quickly off, then the blaring of the lazy drone, and the excited buzz of the bees on guard protecting their property from the enemy and preparing to sting.

is that the one where the people all drink out of the backs of their pickups for like six hours, and then the team runs out to like kettle drums and blaring brass bands, and the crowd stomps on the bleachers and they chant fascist propaganda really loud in unison, and paint themselves and scream like apes and dislocate each others knees and people get crushed and everybody pees on each other and throws their feces like in Gorillas In the Mist and then they all go home and get date-raped?

This book comes with a triumphant blaring of publishers' trumpets, and one supposes that it is a signal sort of triumph for black studies or Africana studies (take your pick of names).

But the rest of the gossip media did their best to glean details of the wedding when they weren't being driven mad by Streisand loudspeakers blaring music from the same heavy metal band, White Zombie, once used by the military to drive former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega from his compound, according to the New York Daily News .

Then there was the blaring cover story in last week's Enquirer , "Monica: I'm Going to Have a Baby.

Parents must ask questions like these: •Does my family have a sit-down meal together on most days of the week, free from the distractions of a blaring TV and a constantly ringing telephone?

But they also don’t seem to mind when the tranquillity of a Zen temple rock garden is shattered by recorded announcements blaring from loudspeakers parroting the information already contained in the leaflets provided at the ticket office, when heavy-metal pop music loudly emanates from the radio of the middle-aged owner of a corner grocery store, and when parks, gardens, and hallowed temples are ringed by garish souvenir shops whose shelves display both the tastefully understated and the hideously kitsch.

The old guard, which has been on duty for twenty-four hours, is relieved, and a new guard assembled upon the parade, and after each has undergone thorough inspection, and the officers in command have made report in formal military manner, the new guard, preceded by the blaring bugles, goes to the guard house to be instructed in general and special orders, and thence detailed to their several posts.


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