
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "branny "

The peridium is usually round, more or less depressed, commonly rough because of the soil attached; the larger part of the plant remaining in the soil as a cup; the upper part with the inner peridium, depressed-globose, thin, pallid, becoming gray, with branny scales, with a small basal mouth.

Furfuraceous, with branny scales or scurf.

Coarsely ground, sharp branny particles in bread irritate the intestines, and cause excessive waste of nutriment; but finely ground wheatmeal is free from this objection, and is beneficial in preventing constipation.

" When I would rub the parts affected a kind of branny scale would fall off.

The local indications are fullness of the right side, thus denoting congestion of the liver, a dull, heavy pain, which is increased [pg 570]by pressure or by lying on the left side, a sense of fullness, weight, and oppression about the stomach, an aching in the right shoulder-blade, a dull, disagreeable pain in the shoulder-joint, which may extend down the arm, and which is sometimes felt in the wrist and joints of the hand Not unfrequently the complexion becomes pale and sallow, and there is puffiness under the eye, headache, a bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur, and hardness of the gums, there is frequent sighing, a hacking cough, fever, restlessness, and loss of sleep, sometimes an unnatural, greasy appearance of the skin, at others, it is dry and harsh, has scaly or branny eruptions, pimples, dark blotches, and troublesome itching.

The branny portion of a kernel of wheat consists of various nutritive elements, with more than five times the amount of phosphate of lime contained in fine bolted flour.


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