
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "brewer "

David Brewer once noted that all of life's great lessons present themselves again and again until mastered.

The chief brewer and the chief accountant read it together.

" "If we do not"-here the chief brewer rapped the middle knuckle of the back of his left-hand forefinger with the tip of his right-hand forefinger-"if we do not, what then?

Now that it was removed on one side, Angela, for her part, could no longer look down; there was no superiority left, except in so far as the daughter of a Whitechapel brewer might consider herself of finer clay than the son of a sergeant in the army, also of Whitechapel origin.

The chief brewer was with the chief accountant, and they were talking over what was best to be done; said very kind things about intelligence, without which good fortune and lucky finds are wasted.

There was to be the acting of a play in the new theatre, a recital on the new organ, the performance of a concert in the new concert-room, playing all the evening long by a military band, some sort of general entertainment; and the whole was to be terminated by a gigantic supper given[Pg 427] by Miss Messenger herself, to which fifteen hundred guests were bidden-namely, first, all the employees of the brewery with their wives, if they had any, from the chief brewer and the chief accountant down to the humblest boy in the establishment; and, secondly, all the girls in the Association, with two or three guests for each; and, thirdly, a couple of hundred or so chosen from a list drawn up by Dick Coppin, and the cobbler, and Harry.

Next came Harry and the bride, at sight of whom the guests shouted and roared; next came Dick Coppin with Nelly, and Lord Jocelyn with Rebekah, and the chief brewer with Lady Davenant, of course in her black velvet and war-paint, and Lord Davenant with Mrs.

Opposite the bride and bridegroom sat the chief brewer and the chief accountant.

And after this was done and eating was stayed and only the memory left of the enormous feed, the chief brewer rose and proposed in a few words the health of the bride and bridegroom.

My correspondent suggests that, in a like spirit, a Brewer must have his catalogue of Drinks which are no drinks-pota a-pota-and that among them, if only the secret thoughts of his heart were known, he must reckon Cider.

: "If a baker or a brewer be convict .

then he shall suffer punishment of the body-that is to wit-a baker to the pillory and a brewer to the tumbrel.

--third-largest brewer in the United States during George's college years--click here.

A unanimous jury condemned avowed racist Lawrence Russell Brewer for killing James Byrd Jr.

Aside from that, the main attractions of the earlier Brewer were its eminent readability, its obscure references, its curiosities, and its browsability.

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