
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "brit "

And Karen Tumulty and Brit Hume ( Fox News Sunday ) engage in a heated debate about the merits of Ken Starr and his lengthy investigation into wrongdoing in the Clinton White House.

Despite Reno's assertion that the pyrotechnics almost certainly did not cause the Waco fire, the commentariat thinks her admission hurts the government's credibility and demonstrates that Reno is honest but clueless, bordering on incompetent (Steve Roberts and Susan Page, of CNN's Late Edition , Mark Shields and Margaret Carlson, of CNN's Capitol Gang , and Fox News Sunday's Brit Hume).

Skeptics (such as Sam Donaldson and Fox News Sunday's Mara Liasson and Brit Hume) note that Gore--like Bob Dole in '96 and Walter Mondale in '84--still has the party establishment behind him and a sizable national lead.

" Grilled on Fox by a hostile Brit Hume and Tony Snow, Buchanan calls George W.

One of these turns up in the very handy Brit news digest The Week , which claims David likes to travel on London tube trains, but has to disguise himself by wearing a hat and glasses and carrying a Greek newspaper.

Fox News Sunday 's Juan Williams and Brit Hume think Gore's attempts to distance himself from President Clinton's "behavior" are hypocritical, given his loyalty as vice president--especially during the impeachment.

Some--such as Fox 's Brit Hume, McLaughlin 's Michael Barone and McLaughlin 's Lawrence O'Donnell--think he has been too damaged by his recently published views on World War II and Israeli political influence to make much of an impact.

"When you get somebody who has been some exotic consultant for the feminist psychobabble movement, who's trying to teach [Gore] about 'alpha male' and 'beta male' stuff, you have to wonder if Al Gore has any idea who he is," proclaims Brit Hume.

" Steve Roberts ( Late Edition ) and Brit Hume ( Fox ) give similarly reasoned comments on the Bush "pop quiz" (ie.

txt The Folklore of the Antiwar Movement Our debate reminds me of that old story about Winston Churchill or George Bernard Shaw or whoever the Brit was who asks a woman if she'd sleep with him for one million pounds.

Some of the questions Tony Snow and Brit Hume asked Starr on Fox News Sunday last weekend: Was it the Constitution the president was trying to save [as he alleged to ABC News last week]?

The two press questioners, Karen Brown and Brit Hume, planted various mines in his path.

But last night when Brit Hume asked him what he was reading, Bush boldly claimed to be immersed in "a book on Dean Acheson.

On Fox News Sunday , Tony Snow points out that Bush's national lead hasn't budged--despite his trouble in New Hampshire--but Brit Hume predicts that Bush's debate performances will start a popularity slide in the early primary states.

When Brit Hume asks McCain about Dean Acheson's role in the firing of Gen.

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