
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "bronchitis "

Acute bronchitis is especially common in the horse, while the chronic form is more often met with in the smaller animals, especially hogs.

Verminous bronchitis usually becomes chronic.

In chronic bronchitis in the horse, the animal coughs frequently, there is more or less discharge from the nostrils and the respirations may become labored when exercised.

Severe coughing spells on getting up from the bed, or on moving about are characteristic of bronchitis in hogs.

Verminous bronchitis in calves and lambs is characterized by severe spells of coughing, difficult and labored breathing and a weak, emaciated condition.

Animals affected with chronic bronchitis should not be exercised or worked.

The symptoms are the same as occur in bronchitis and pneumonia.

The symptoms of verminous bronchitis and pneumonia are quite characteristic.

It is likewise used as a vapour-bath; it has also been used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and phthisis, and as a gargle in certain morbid conditions of the mouth.

On similar grounds, Tartar Emetic, injected into the veins, may produce Pneumonia; and Ipecacuanha, introduced as dust into the lungs, causes Bronchitis or Asthma; and yet Tartar Emetic is advantageously employed in the cure of Pneumonia, and Ipecacuanha is a remedy for Bronchitis.

In old and chronic cases of Bronchitis the stimulant volatile Expectorants are the most applicable.

And scanty fruit would also be reaped by the science of medicine if, in its new anthropological development, it should content itself merely with diagnosing the personality of the patient, in addition to the disease; that is to say, for example, if, instead of telling a patient that his attack of bronchitis would be cured within twenty days, it should go on to predict, on the basis of the morphology of his body, that he would infallibly fall ill every year, until such time as pulmonary tuberculosis should put a fatal ending to his days.

But bronchitis and pneumonia each cause a mortality that ascends to between seventy and eighty thousand deaths; in this group it is evident that we must take into consideration, not only the infected environment, but also the organic predisposition.

Guppy's bronchitis came to his relief and stopped his measurement of the table.

And the paper points to the most likely cause of the trend with its citation of a new Journal of the American Medical Association paper stating that doctors often prescribe antibiotics for colds and bronchitis caused by viruses even though antibiotics are ineffective against viruses.

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