
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "bystanders "

the constable) must remember that there is no qualification more indispensable to a police officer than a perfect command of temper, never suffering himself to be moved in the slightest degree by any language or threats that may be used: if he do his duty in a quiet and determined manner, such conduct will probably induce well-disposed bystanders to assist him should he require it.

The nec and non plus ultra of emotion were reached when the blushing bride elect burst her way through the serried ranks of the bystanders and flung herself upon the muscular bosom of him who was about to be launched into eternity for her sake.

Bloom's boys run amid the bystanders with branches of hawthorn and wrenbushes.

The unemployed bystanders drew back when they saw me, and so I became aware of my sister,-lying without sense or movement on the bare boards where she had been knocked down by a tremendous blow on the back of the head, dealt by some unknown hand when her face was turned towards the fire,-destined never to be on the Rampage again, while she was the wife of Joe.

' Weak with recent illness; stupified by the blows and the suddenness of the attack; terrified by the fierce growling of the dog, and the brutality of the man; overpowered by the conviction of the bystanders that he really was the hardened little wretch he was described to be; what could one poor child do!

" The Nation , July 27 (posted Tuesday, July 14, 1998) The cover story totes up the huge costs of Kenneth Starr's investigation for major players and innocent bystanders alike.

Hamas took credit for a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv who killed three bystanders and wounded dozens more.

6) Hey, at least this time no innocent bystanders got killed.

But let's remember that a lot of innocent bystanders have been subjected to swarming reporters and unexpected legal bills--and perhaps faced with hard choices between loyalty and integrity.

Nor can the farmers be depicted as hapless bystanders blindsided by an unfair change in government policy.

His aides aren't the innocent bystanders As they claim when they moan and whine.

And Friedman's innocent bystanders are at least partly analogous to Daimler-Benz's innocent stockholders.

Well, as the LAT tells it, the trial lawyers don't think so, because they don't like exempting bystanders who use the devices from possible lawsuits.

"The case, with its invasive, irrelevant discovery, with its incredible legal fees, with the way it drew in innocent bystanders and ruined their lives, is exactly typical of the American legal system," says Walter Olson, a Manhattan Institute scholar and author of The Excuse Factory .

All report that two bombers were killed, two dozen or more bystanders were injured, and that the Israeli government has halted all discussion of the Wye Memorandum.

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