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Use constipated in a sentence - Example Sentences for constipated

I am constipated.

-In diseases of the liver the appetite is irregular or the animal refuses to eat, is constipated, or has diarrhoea.

In the treatment of constipated habits it is better to keep up a constant and gentle action on the bowels than to give violent doses occasionally.

A scout obeys all to whom obedience is due and respects all duly constipated authorities .

Where, from inactive habits, or other causes, the bowels become constipated and sluggish, this kind of food proves the appropriate remedy.

The condition of the bowels is generally constipated, the skin dark and sometimes sallow.

The appetite is impaired, the tongue is coated, the bowels are constipated, or there is diarrhea.

The tongue now becomes furred, the patient thirsty, the bowels constipated, and all the functions are irregularly performed.

My bowels became badly constipated and for three months I did not have a natural operation of the bowels, and I suffered very much with catarrh, and there was such a pressure across my forehead that it seemed sometimes as though it would burst.

The bowels are generally constipated, but when the disease extends to the stomach or intestines, diarrhea occurs.

The functional powers of the stomach are impaired, there is loss of appetite, or it becomes capricious, uneasiness is felt in the region of the stomach, oppression, sometimes nausea and water-brash, or there is indigestion, flatulency, and acid eructations, the bowels become irregular, usually constipated, and occasionally subject to obstinate diarrhea attended with colicky pains, the stools are of a light clay color, sometimes hard and dark, again thin and very offensive, and occasionally green or black.

If, however, the bowels are unusually sluggish or obstinately constipated, it is advisable, in conjunction with the "Golden Medical Discovery," to use the "Pleasant Pellets," which are also powerfully alterative, besides being mild and unirritating in their operation.

The constipated condition of the bowels, often leads to congestion of the uterus and leucorrhea, followed by uterine debility, prolapsus, excessive menstruation, anteversion or retroversion of that organ.

These sensations are more severe as a rule if the bowels are constipated.

It may be aided, when the bowels are badly constipated, by the use of Dr.

Everything I ate distressed me, bowels constipated, was very nervous, depressed and despondent, in fact I can't express half my bad feelings to you.

I was always more or less constipated all my life.

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The word constipated

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