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Use consul in a sentence - Example Sentences for consul

Cave, the consul, and Admiral Rawson, and order was at once restored to the city.

After some hours of delay the English consul and vice-consul came on board, and with them a Spanish officer, ablaze with gold lace and decorations.

The Federal system was in some sort restored by the Act of Mediation (Vermittlungsakte) of Napoleon Buonaparte, when First Consul in 1803.

Thanks to the kindness of the German consul, a friendly welcome awaited me at the landing-place, where I found a dragoman ready to conduct me to my destination.

In Paphos they encountered the Roman consul, Sergius Paulus, who speedily became a convert, and here Elymas, the sorcerer, was struck by them with temporary blindness, as a chastisement for his endeavours to turn away their converts from the true faith.

At the earnest petition of such of the inhabitants as desired peace the English consul came over71 from Larnaka and endeavoured to mediate between the opposing parties.

He then requested the English consul to write a letter to the camp around Nikosia, stating that the pacha commanded all to retire quietly to their homes, promising to show justice to all, and announcing that his mission was only intended to restore peace.

The Italian consul also paid me a visit, and also the master of the Greek school, and I was highly amused, knowing, as I did, that all these pressing invitations were given with the full knowledge that the next steamer for Constantinople left Larnaka in three days, and that there was no chance of my waiting a whole week for the next.

Food, such as they principally consume, is extremely cheap, and we have it upon the authority of a gentleman who knows the island well, Consul Lang, that a family of six persons can be maintained in perfect health and activity on an allowance of forty pounds of flour and three pounds of olives per week.

On Whitsunday, May the 30th, Ibelin set sail with his forces from Akkon, accompanied by the Genoese consul, with whom the approaching struggle now had the aspect of a poli262tical victory.

Another time this lady perceived, always under the[201] same conditions, that is in the glass of the wardrobe, one of her friends, who is married to a government officer abroad, where he is consul of a sister-power.

But it is impossible to pass over without mention the marvellous examples of this class of work which covered the walls of the basilica erected at Rome by Junius Bassus, consul in the year 317.

The young daughter of the Chinese consul is kidnapped, and Chan is summoned from Hong Kong to Los Angeles, where FBI agents saddle him with wild man L.

Everybody notes that the twelfth American victim identified was the consul general at the Nairobi Embassy, Julian Bartley, whose 20-year-old son also perished.

consul-general in Hong Kong, was rebuked by China for a speech this week in which he attacked a Chinese proposal to establish a press council in Hong Kong as a threat to media freedom and criticized Beijing's decision to prevent the pope visiting the territory.

In the first flush of dictatorship as First Consul, he established the Banque de France, created state-run lycées (high schools), and gave the country its first national set of laws, the Code Napoléon.

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The word consul

Example sentences with the consul, a sentence example for consul, and how to make consul in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for consul how do I use the word consul in a sentence? How do you spell consul in a sentence? spelling of consul