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Use containers in a sentence - Example Sentences for containers

Find someone who often reads the labels on food containers.

laboratorySome retailers are concerned that making all bottles and cans refundable will make extra work for their staff, who will need to collect and sort the containers.

Steel is 100 percent recyclable, and can be reprocessed almost indefinitely, making it ideal for food containers.

Please don't litter, put your garbage in the containers provided.

Gases assume the shape and volume of the containers in which they are found.

These food containers are very versatile and can be used for food storage, in the microwave and even in the oven.

Gases assume the shape and volume of the containers in which they are found.

assureWe have all these plastic lunch containers in the cupboards, but we don't seem to have any lids to fit them.

The nuclear power plant is proposing they bury their waste underground in huge cement containers.

Never store poisonous products in food containers.

The University of Victoria has containers for recycling paper in every classroom on campus.

Discussion question: Cigarette packages in many countries have health warnings on them telling of the dangers of smoking.

Should alcohol containers carry similar warnings? warrantGases assume the shape and volume of the containers in which they are found.

contaminateWhen collecting wild mushrooms, it is important to keep edible and poisonous specimens in separate containers.

One way that toxic chemicals enter our sewer system is by people rinsing out pesticide containers to clean them, and pouring the dirty water down the drain.

In the middle of each the tables was a huge picnic basket, in which, under cloths folded over in a pastry-looking manner, were napkins, plates, silverware, and plastic containers filled with corn salad and potato salad, and strolling waiters supplemented these dishes with platters of lamb chops and fried chicken.

) But this is, after all, a city where the commissioner of consumer affairs yesterday held a news conference on location in front of a display of "tofu triangles" to present his findings that New York deli customers are routinely overcharged 30 cents for salads at salad bars because the delis charge for the plastic containers.

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The word containers

Example sentences with the containers, a sentence example for containers, and how to make containers in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for containers how do I use the word containers in a sentence? How do you spell containers in a sentence? spelling of containers