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Use contractility in a sentence - Example Sentences for contractility

Some authorities have thought their animality proved by the high degree of contractility which their tissues evince.

This, however, cannot go for much, as all physiologists admit contractility to belong to the vegetable tissues of the sensitive plant, "Venus' Fly-trap," &c.

Their bodies are composed of the substance, called sarcode, in which is imbedded a colouring matter resembling that in the leaves of plants; every part possesses irritability and contractility, and they are very sensitive to the stimulus of light.

An influence, capable of exciting contractions, without occasioning exhaustion, was a thing I so little expected to find, and so contrary to the character which had been given of this, 53 both by Galvani and by Dr Valli, that I, at first, distrusted my own observation of the fact: but the number of comparative experiments, which I had afterwards occasion to make, though with views different from that of ascertaining the point in question, convinced me that this influence, so far from destroying the contractility of muscles, has a tendency to preserve it.

These legs too, immediately after the division of their nerves, contracted vigorously when laid upon zinc, and excited by passing a rod of silver in contact with the under part of the knee till it touched the zinc; but the other legs which were suffered to remain in their natural state, in order that the contractility of one leg might all along be compared with that of the other, did not contract when the metals were similarly applied to them.

Dr Alexander, in his excellent Thesis already quoted, tells us, that the contractility of all the voluntary muscles of frogs was destroyed in the course of a very few minutes, by injecting eight drops of a strong solution of opium in water, (similar to that which I employed) upon the surfaces of their brains.

I have not found it possible by any quantity, either of aqueous or of spirituous solution of opium, injected upon the brains of frogs, to produce that rapid extinction of the contractility of their voluntary muscles, of which Dr Alexander speaks.

The arguments against the antiquated doctrine of transudation, through parts of a living body, are already so numerous and satisfactory, that it may be thought unnecessary 161 to notice in this place, a decisive one so far as relates to the skin of frogs, at least, which may be deduced from the fact already mentioned; that so long as the skin was suffered to remain upon the limbs of frogs, placing them in water, very evidently preserved the contractility of their muscles, whereas when the skin was taken off, the muscles became hard, and incapable of contracting, in a very few hours.

In the fourth place, it is maintained that their action in all these instances may be explained by a reference to their power in causing the contraction of muscular fibre; inasmuch as they are found to diminish the caliber of certain tubes and cavities, and these owe the contractility which they possess to the muscular fibre which is contained in their coats.

Conclusion Direct measurements of the cortex stiffness and contractility as a function of position and time during cytokinesis in wild type and mutant cells will be essential to identify the contribution of myosin-II to the mechanics of cell shape changes.

Examination of the effects of other proteins that are involved in cytokinesis such as the cortexillins [ 24 25 ] and dynacortin [ 30 ] will also be necessary to understand how different factors contribute to the different mechanical parameters such as stiffness and contractility.

However, the value of this simple theoretical analysis is that it more accurately predicts the trends of contractility, which may be assigned in large part to myosin-II and it can be easily tested in a variety of cell types for its validity.

Other transcripts found to be cytoskeleton-associated in this study encode PI4K which associates with the cytoskeleton backbone of the focal adhesion [ 19 ] as well as thymosin ß4, an actin monomer sequestering protein that also contributes to control of cell motility and contractility [ 20 ] .

Inhibition of Tmod1's capping activity - either by using an antibody to its C-terminal end or by decreasing expression using an antisense Tmod1 transcript - results in elongated thin filaments and decreased cardiac contractility [ 13 14 ] .

First, we hypothesized that in iron deficient rats, intravenous norepinephrine would cause an altered cardiovascular response, either in heart rate or rate of arterial pressure generation (contractility, dp•dt -1).

In all variables measured, which include heart rate and ventricular contractility (figure 3), systolic and diastolic pressures (figure 4), there were no differences between pre-infusion and peak responses to saline.

0020), but not contractility (p = 0.

Only first 17 results shown.
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The word contractility

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