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Example Sentences for "cabins "

" The whole schooner had been overhauled; six berths had been made astern out of what had been the after-part of the main hold; and this set of cabins was only joined to the galley and forecastle by a sparred passage on the port side.

Overcrowded cabins are unsafe, so some carriers now limit passengers to one carry-on bag, instead of the traditional two.

) ACCOMMODATIONS: Located on scenic Lake Ponkawog, the ""Inn at Lake Ponkawog"" has two rustic cabins that sleep four to 12 each (depending on how you feel about sharing floor space).

(I was, however, shocked when he said that the cabins at Camp David were ""mildewed.

According to a story flagged on the Wall Street Journal front, not all of the hoarding will be done by cammoed guys in Montana cabins either.

These modern cabins come with kitchen, bathroom, and air-conditioning, are set on the Sea of Gali¬lee, and make ideal family holiday homes.

All-inclusive accommodations range from intimate cabins to lavish suites.

The windows and doors of over 100 wooden cabins are bedecked with printed sarongs, T-shirts, and carved masks.

About 2 km (1 mile) south¬west of Gordes is the strange little Village Noir, consisting of bories, old dry-stone cabins grouped around a baker’s oven and serving as a museum of rural life in Provence.

On the island’s west coast, you have the choice between the top-class Tioman Island Resort Hotel and the more modest but comfortable guest-houses, chalets, and simpler cabins on Salang Beach farther north.

The writer Henry Miller made his home here during the 1950s and 60s, and communities of artists continue to live in cabins in the woods and canyons.

The stone and log building is itself, in more solid form, a visual reference to the log cabins of the country’s earliest settlers.

As an intriguing exercise in modern industrial archaeology, its desolate log cabins and colliery installations have become a coal mining village museum.

The Orwell Corner Historic Village at Eldon includes some of the original log cabins built in the early 1800s by Scottish settlers.

Though a thoroughly modern town with a population of 23,000, the Yukon capital is proud of its Old Log Church on Elliot Street and some three-story log cabins it calls “wooden skyscrapers.

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