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Example Sentences for "calamitous "

" Up to a certain point this was to the public advantage, but it would have been calamitous if the tendency had been [310]allowed to continue beyond that point.

As not so calamitous as a cataclysmic annihilation of the planet in consequence of a collision with a dark sun.

Some flickering efforts to spare you the premature knowledge of his calamitous position, you may observe in him this day; but hope has sunk beneath the horizon, and the undersigned is Crushed.

Domestic and foreign critics called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a terrorist and a fool and added that the attack was so stupid and potentially calamitous that he's lucky he screwed it up.

An unscientific mind, noting the tendency of relief aid to gravitate toward electorally rich states, might even conclude that the gods of mayhem conspire with incumbents to provide calamitous occasions for the demonstration of political compassion.

"" The collapse of Microsoft would not be quite as calamitous as a nuclear war.

A Che who, like any ordinary communist politician, had never killed anyone, a Che who had survived his guerrilla adventures, and was today an elderly figure, administering some grim bureaucracy for Fidel Castro or, alternatively, writing books at home in Argentina, surrounded by his anti-communist grandchildren--a Che like that would cause no stir at all today, and writers around the world would not be straining their brains to draw ever finer distinctions between the man's calamitous influence and some undefinable greatness.

In London, the Times, which has opposed Pinochet's arrest, criticized the British government for rejecting ""the best way of settling this calamitous affair, allowing General Pinochet to fly home on Chile's waiting jet"" and, instead, permitting the court decision in his favor to go to appeal.

I'll try not to eviscerate the laughably dour eXistenZ , a virtual-reality guessing game of a thriller in which David Cronenberg, evidently licking his wounds over the calamitous receptions of Crash (1996), M.

The intelligence reporting consistently described the upcoming attacks as occurring on a calamitous level, indicating that they would cause the world to be in turmoil and that they would consist of possible multiple-but not necessarily simultaneous-attacks.

The condition of a long-lived asset is affected by its durability, the quality of its design and construction, its use, the adequacy of maintenance that has been performed, and many other factors, including: accidents (an unforeseen and unplanned or unexpected event or circumstance), catastrophes (a tragic event), disasters (a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction), and obsolescence.

In 1557 the 14-year-old boy-king Sebastião ascended the throne, the beginning of a calamitous reign that was to end at the battle of Alcacer-Quiber (Morocco) in pursuit of a vain crusade.

Naturally the cutting of forests, clearing of brush and drainage of marshes is more or less calamitous to all the species of birds that inhabit such places and find there winter food and shelter.

During those calamitous decades another great evil emerged as a result of the Union.

The moan of that wounded beast (the French army) which betrayed its calamitous condition was the sending of Lauriston to Kutuzov's camp with overtures for peace.

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