
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "calla "

" long, partly enfolded by a large, white, oval, pointed, erect spathe, the whole resembling a small calla lily open in front.

At a glance one knows this beautiful denizen of Northern bogs and ditches to be a poor relation of the stately Ethiopian calla lily of our greenhouses.

"" Flies, which are guided far more by their sense of smell than by sight, resort to the petalless, insignificant florets of the ill-scented marsh calla in numbers; and as the uppermost clusters are staminate only, while the lower florets contain stamens and pistil, it follows they must often effect cross-pollination as they crawl over the spadix.

Few coroner's inquests are held over the dead bodies of our feathered friends; and it is not known whether the innocent-looking marsh calla really poisons the birds on which it depends to carry its bright seeds afar or not.

), a poor relation also of the calla lily, the golden club seems to be denied part of its tribal inheritance - the spathe, corresponding to the pulpit in which Jack preaches, or to the lily's showy white skirt.

But the golden club, which looks something like a calla stripped of her lovely white robe, has not lacked protection for its little buds from the cold spring winds while any was needed.

A poor relation of the stately calla lily one knows Jack to be at a glance, her lovely white robe corresponding to his striped pulpit, her bright yellow spadix to his sleek reverence.

This despised relative of the stately calla lily proclaims spring in the very teeth of winter, being the first bold adventurer above ground.

The beautiful marsh plant called Calla or Richardia ethio455 pica, or the White Arum, belongs to this order; as does the fragrant rush, Acorus Calamus.


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