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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "campy "

" Mixed reviews for a campy rock-opera about Jackie Onassis' ascent to iconhood.

1 at the box office and earning a qualified critical approbation for its self-referentially campy chic.

Others consider it a witty sendup of action movies, with fabulous special effects and campy characters: ""a cheerfully lobotomized, always watchable experience"" (Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times ).

Items exemplifying the artist's campy humor (his massive Barbie Doll collection, his teen-age scrapbook of celebrity photos) are said to be scarce.

The Met's retrospective of the campy designer's clothing stirs up debate.

Reviewers praise Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar for abandoning his campy proclivities to make a film noir with social bite.

The $90 million remake of the sci-fi series is said to lack the original's campy charm.

Nostalgia reigns for the campy charm of the Japanese original.

Ministering to their sense of irony and their sense of insecurity at the same time, she was the perfect campy connoisseur of propriety for a tie-dyed generation now into ties.

Another campy teen horror flick.

A glowing review of the new Austin Powers movie notes the campy merchandising that accompanies it.

South Park abounds in screamingly campy parodies, from the opening ensemble to Terrance and Phillip's peppy rap duet ""Shut Your Fucking Face, Uncle-Fucker"" to the principal's exhortation to substitute ""bum,"" ""poo,"" and the phlegmatic ""M'kay"" for, respectively, ""ass,"" ""shit,"" and ""fuck"" while leading a Busby Berkeley-ish dance line.

) Things that might once have been screamingly campy are now played ""straight"": People dramatize their emotions but rarely overdramatize them.

Compare this to the dignified and not at all campy duet of Bing Crosby and David Bowie on the infamous Christmas special in the '70s.


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