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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "capitalizing "

Yesterday you warned me not to lump you with radio hosts who chide Hillary for capitalizing on her husband's fame and power.

The spin: It's a commercial rather than a scientific advance, suggesting that the agriculture and drug industries are capitalizing quickly on cloning technology.

In particular, carpetbaggers were scorned for capitalizing on the freed slaves' newly granted right to vote.

Past popes were remote and magisterial figures, but capitalizing on his relative youth, his actor's panache, and a mastery of mass communications, John Paul II changed all that--unafraid of diluting the papal mystique through overexposure.

Confronted with this attitude and somewhat awed, the British acknowledged their respect by capitalizing the word.

Compilers of our dictionaries should stop capitalizing the words for the four Hindu castes and retain the custom only for Brahma or Brahman when it implies the Absolute.

Meinungsfreiheit, Weltreise , and Freizeit were descriptive nouns used in the German-speaking world well before the East German regime came into being, although it, and the Nazis before, connected the latter two with state-run programs capitalizing on the human desire to travel and have time for oneself.

By capitalizing on “real-time” information on sales and inventory position, Wal-Mart increased its ability to let consumer demand “pull” its orders.

The WorldCom failure appears to be a simple matter of not following basic accounting principles in connection with capitalizing versus expensing certain items.

Echoing their earlier comments to the Board's Exposure Draft, Accounting for Property, Plant, and Equipment, some respondents expressed concern that expensing rather than capitalizing costs associated with stewardship PP&E would lessen the value of the operating statement as a tool for performance measurement since it would overstate the cost in the year an asset is acquired.

The Board, however, believes that capitalizing and depreciating stewardship PP&E provides information that is of little usefulness.

Well, in spite of this impossibility, property capitalizes, and in capitalizing increases its revenue, and, without stopping to look at the particular cases which occur in commerce, manufacturing operations, and banking, I will cite a graver fact,-one which directly affects all citizens.

Is the phalanstery to be prohibited from capitalizing and lending at interest?


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