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Example Sentences for "capitulation "

The Washington Post leads with the House GOP's partial capitulation on "patient rights" legislation: In the face of more sweeping legislation sponsored by Democrats, the House leadership reversed position and wrote an alternative bill giving patients the right to sue their HMOs.

release) on its cover, and Rupert Murdoch's capitulation to the Chinese, who wanted the BBC off his satellite--than by the ultra-evil the media conglomerates might do in the future.

Though the GOP and the administration are quite close on the numbers, those on Newt's right flank are likely to portray any agreement with the president as a capitulation born of weakness.

Yet the recent evolution of Hanukkah represents not a capitulation to the forces of Christmas but an assertion of Jewishness amid a multicultural society.

" In the Middle East, Iraqi writer Abdelamir al-Rakabi warned in the Pan-Arab al-Quds al-Arabi that if NATO's airstrikes lead to the capitulation of Milosevic, Iraq should prepare for an all-out Anglo-American drive to topple Saddam Hussein.

A monthlong protest by students in Berkeley's ethnic studies department, marked by a hunger strike and 129 arrests, ended in near complete capitulation by the administration, which promised more tenure-track faculty and a research center.

The consensus political spin from newspapers both and domestic : Milosevic's capitulation vindicates President Clinton's bombing-only strategy.

An editorial crows that Milosevic's capitulation represents a triumph for the president, hawkish Republicans, NATO, the U.

" But in most of the British press, as around the world, the main story Monday was Indonesia's capitulation to international pressure by agreeing to allow a foreign peacekeeping force into East Timor.

Hilton Kramer, for instance, called Avedon's 1994 retrospective at the Whitney (which produced a gorgeous book titled Evidence: 1944-1994 ) "the ultimate capitulation to celebrity, money and fashion at the expense of art.

Datta-Ray in the International Herald Tribune highlighted India's dilemma: "India has to walk a delicate path between capitulation to the hijackers and appearing callous about the hostages.

The new New York and its new Times Square thus achieved a complete capitulation of the civic to the corporate, and was proud of it.

Twenty-two years later, Hitler obliged the French to sign their capitulation in the same place.

In the middle of the island, close to where the French army burned its flags in Montréal’s military capitulation to the British in 1760, the D.

It is also quite likely that part of the Russian forces in the north had been diverted earlier in the month to the south in order to assist in the drive against Bagdad and Moone, which was pushed with increased vigor just previous to and right after the capitulation of the Anglo-Indian forces at Kut-el-Amara in Mesopotamia.

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