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Example Sentences for "chalybeate "

That the red colour of the blood depends upon iron, appears likewise from the experiments of Menghini, which show, that the blood of persons who have been taking chalybeate medicines for some time, is much more florid that it is naturally; the same is agreeable to my own observation.

As the exact chemical condition of the Iron in Hæmatosin has not been discovered, so also the precise changes which Chalybeate medicines have to undergo before they can supply this deficient material in a fit and proper form, are not known.

The water of Chalybeate springs generally contains a Carbonate of Iron, held in solution by an excess of Carbonic acid.

It is just possible that a Cathartic may be serviceable by purging away from the blood some effete matters, as Sulphuretted Hydrogen, formed by the continual decomposition of the tissues, which would have hindered the operation of the Chalybeate in the blood, by decomposing it.

In general Anæmia, an occasional purge, a generous diet, with good air and exercise should be combined, if possible, with the Chalybeate treatment.

The Iodide of Iron is a most useful medicine for scrofulous children, who commonly suffer under Anæmia, as it combines a Chalybeate with an Antiscrofulic action.

The Ammonio-citrate of Iron,-the compound Iron mixture, which contains the Carbonate,-and the Tincture of the Sesquichloride,-are perhaps the best of the officinal Chalybeate preparations.

Those waters which abound in salts of iron are called chalybeate or ferruginous.


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