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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "chap "

Allan Massie once stated that a soldier is the chap who makes it possible for civilized folk to despise war.

Scheme, save that his bended body, ABCDEF, which seem'd fashioned very much like a row of small teeth, orderly plac'd in the Gums, and looks as if it were divided into several smaller and greater black teeth, was nothing but one small bended hard bone, which was plac'd in the upper jaw of the mouth of a House-Snail, with which I observ'd this very Snail to feed on the leaves of a Rose-tree, and to bite out pretty large and half round bits, not unlike the Figure of a (C) nor very much differing from it in bigness, the upper part ABCD of this bone, I found to be much whiter, and to grow out of the upper chap of the Snail, GGG, and not to be any thing neer so much creas'd as the lower and blacker part of it HIIHKKH which was exactly shap'd like teeth, the bone growing thinner, or tapering to an edge towards KKK.

I suppose”-this with a laugh-“I suppose I treated the dear old chap rather badly, and I’m glad to be friends with him again; he’s not a bad sort, take him altogether.

When I was a little chap I remember the captain used to tell me about all the wonderful places there were on the earth, but I never thought that I should see them.

I was a very little chap then.

For the present-and that’s the only really important thing-you have stepped in, like the splendid chap you are, and have put all my world right.

“Well, suppose you let us have-dad’s an expensive chap to keep, and I don’t want to be forever worrying you-suppose you let us have a hundred.

What a little chap I was when I first came to you!

"Yes-the other night they were talking about you, and one said one thing and one said another, and a chap said he thought he'd seen you in a West End music-hall, and he didn't believe you were any better than you should be.

After he'd knocked him down, Harry invited that chap to stand up and have it out.

You think that by listening to a chap like my cousin Dick, who's a clever fellow and a devil for fireworks, you somehow improve your own condition.

The chap was right.

What I think is-make that chap draw up a plan, if he can, for getting the people to work together-for we've got all the power at last, Dick.

The chap was right; but he was wrong as well.

Tell that to the oxy chap downstairs and touch him for a guinea.

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