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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "characterize "

Perkins are very careful in their selection, but little discrimination is used by country manufacturers on a small scale, who use such doubtful species as Agaricus lacrymabundus, with Agaricus spadiceus, and a host of allied species, which they characterize as nonpareils and champignons.

This bright golden yellow and the orange or vermilion color on the margin or edge of the gills will always characterize the plant.

This is a genus of myxomycetous fungi, giving name to the family Stemonitaceæ, which has a single sporangium or æthalium; without the peculiar deposits of lime carbonate which characterize the fructification of other orders, and the spores, capillitium, and columella are usually uniformly black, or brownish.

It is common on old tree stumps and is often found on the dead wood of living trees, the bright yellow and vivid orange red tints which characterize the young plant making it very conspicuous.

These tufts are readily distinguished from the warts which characterize certain species of Amanita, being formed from the breaking up of the cuticle with the concrete veil, while the wart-like excrescences seen upon Amanita muscaria, for example, are composed of fragments of the volva, which is always found enclosing the very young plants of the genus Amanita.

If, however, the increase in the quantity of urine secreted occurs independently of any normal cause and is accompanied by an unthrifty and weakened condition of the animal, it would then characterize disease.

We must be familiar with the animal when it is in good health in order to be able to recognize any deviation from the normal due to disease, and we must learn from personal observation the different symptoms that characterize the different diseases.

-The signs which characterize pregnancy are numerous and varied.

Redness, vesicles and pustules may characterize the inflammation.

Every movement should be watched closely, as the manner of favoring the part may characterize the lameness.

Heat, redness, swelling, pain and disturbed function are the symptoms which characterize inflammation.

They were first bred with a view to unite increased size with the superiority of flesh and patience of short keep which characterize the Downs.

Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) Distinguishing characters: Its method of branching will characterize the tree at a glance.

Sterile stamens in addition to the fertile ones characterize this clan.

This favored spot exhibits in perfection all the leading features which characterize the great Joyless City.

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