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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "chase "

Don't chase after fame.

The police chase ended tragically when the car being pursued hit and killed an old man crossing a street.

The chase scene in the movie was really exciting, and the special effects were unbelievable.

The villagers used torches to chase the monster back to the castle.

The police arrested the suspect after a dangerous car chase through the downtown core.

The hound was in full chase of the bear.

If it's an aggressive se salesman, then call me right away.

I'll chase him off.

The hyenas were snarling and barking at the lion, trying to chase it away from its kill.

The villagers used torches to chase the monster back to the castle.

It is very odd to one that considers not the reason of it, to see two floating bodies of wood to approach each other, as though they were indued with some magnetical vigour; which brings into my mind what I formerly tried with a piece of Cork or such like body, which I so ordered, that by putting a little stick into the same water, one part of the said Cork would approach and make toward the stick, whereas another would discede and fly away, nay it would have a kind of verticity, so as that if the Æquator (as I may so speak) of the Cork were placed towards the stick, if let alone, it would instantly turn its appropriate Pole toward it, and then run a-tilt at it: and this was done only by taking a dry Cork, and wetting one side of it with one small stroak; for by this means gently putting it upon the water, it would depress the superficies on every side of it that was dry, and therefore the greatest pressure of the Air, being near those sides, caused it either to chase away, or else to fly off from any other floating body, whereas that side only, against which the water ascended, was thereby able to attract.

I have beheld them instructing their young ones, how to hunt, which they would sometimes discipline for not well observing; but, when any of the old ones did (as sometimes) miss a leap, they would run out of the field, and hide them in their crannies, as asham'd, and haply not be seen abroad for four or five hours after; for so long have I watched the nature of this strange Insect, the contemplation of whose so wonderfull sagacity and address has amaz'd me; nor do I find in any chase whatsoever, more cunning and Stratagem observ'd: I have found some of these Spiders in my Garden, when the weather (towards the Spring) is very hot, but they are nothing so eager of hunting as they are in Italy.

These animals collect from plants the constituents of their organs and of their blood, and yield them, in turn, to the savages who live by the chase alone.

A great establishment for the chase was kept by almost all prelates as a necessity; and whenever the weather was favourable, hunting and hawking could be enjoyed by the princesses and their suite.

It stopped opposite the gate where Comethup stood, and backed itself upon its ridiculous little haunches and inch of tail, and barked deliriously; then dashed off a foot or two in excited chase of something which didn’t exist; and then, suddenly remembering Comethup, returned madly to the assault, thrusting its little black nose under the gate in a frantic endeavour to bite Comethup’s little white socks.

The sternness of the chase awoke in Comethup’s blood; he determined to have that puppy at all costs-to feel the soft, warm, live, struggling thing in his arms.

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