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Example Sentences for "childbirth "

Studies show that a girl who is educated tends to delay marriage and childbirth until she is ready.

delegate Then there are sacrifices incident to childbirth represented especially in the pain and travail of parturition.

In Dover’s day and time, the apothecaries were in the ascendancy, being the medical practitioners, whilst the physicians were chiefly called in to attend in childbirth and protracted illness.

The laborious "modern" childbirth, and the dangerous childbirth in the case of women who have devoted much time to study, must be considered in connection with these artificial anomalies.

And Korney said to me: ‘In childbirth you’ll die, ma’am, you’ll die.

Other women not on welfare--and this is the big payoff--may decide not to become single mothers at all, postponing childbirth until marriage.

Though the number of maternal deaths during childbirth is small (327 nationwide in 1997), Surgeon General Dr.

The Los Angeles Times recently uncovered several cases in which doctors at Northridge Hospital in Southern California refused to provide epidural anesthesia during childbirth to women on Medicaid unless they anted up $400 on the spot.

And from 1987 to 1995, the death rate for black mothers in childbirth jumped 48 percent, compared with an overall rate of 7.

A few weeks back, the LAT reported that a women in the advanced throes of childbirth asked for an epidural anesthetic to relieve her pain, only to be told by the attending nurse that she couldn't have one unless she paid for it on the spot.

The etiology of PFD is probably multifactorial, including a genetic predisposition to connective tissue abnormalities, vaginal childbirth with damage to the innervation of the pelvic floor muscles, estrogen deficiency, and aging effects [ 1 ] .

Because of the uncertainty in changes in maternal serum PCB concentration as a result of childbirth and breastfeeding practices [ 42 ] , we only considered the sex of the last (at the time of the blood donation) child of each mother.

She died in childbirth and Shahjahan built her the most famous memorial a man ever offered to the woman he loved: the Taj Mahal.

Revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims, the tomb of this biblical matriarch (wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin) who died in childbirth has been visited for thousands of years by women who come to pray for fertility.

During the second performance of the play a leading Berlin surgeon almost caused a panic in the theatre by swinging a pair of forceps over his head and screaming at the top of his voice: "The decency and morality of Germany are at stake if childbirth is to be discussed openly from the stage.

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