
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "civilized "

Someone once noted that civilized man has marched across the face of the earth and left a desert in his footprints.

claim Application of the death penalty is much too arbitrary to be allowed in a civilized society.

Pearl S.

Buck wrote, "Nothing and no one can destroy the Chinese people.

They are relentless survivors.

They are the oldest civilized people on Earth.

" Someone once noted that civilized man has marched across the face of the earth and left a desert in his footprints.

Joan Ganz Cooney once said that cherishing children is the mark of a civilized society.

The ancient Greeks thought of themselves as the most civilized culture in the world.

Thoreau once said that the civilized man is a more experienced and wiser savage.

scale Allan Massie once stated that a soldier is the chap who makes it possible for civilized folk to despise war.

The cause of this difficulty lies in the fact that the Mycologic Flora of so large a portion of the world remains unexplored, not only in remote regions, but even in civilized countries where the Phanerogamic Flora is well known.

A large quantity of mushrooms are canned and exported from France to every civilized country.

Notwithstanding the occurrence of occasional fatal accidents through the inadvertent eating of poisonous species, fungi are largely consumed both by savage and civilized man in all parts of the world, and while they contribute so considerable a portion of the food product of the world we may be sure their value will not be permanently overlooked in the United States, especially when we consider our large accessions of population from countries in which the mushroom is a familiar and much prized edible.

The origin of this custom of depilation probably dates back to the remote past and has been observed as a custom among both savages and civilized peoples.

One can easily understand the need of a prepuce in the case of primeval man, who was practically unprotected by clothing, but in the present condition of civilized races the prepuce is certainly an unnecessary appendage, and there are several good reasons why the prepuce should be removed.

Forestry here and abroad: Forestry is practiced in every civilized country except China and Turkey.

And here, too, all over the civilized world, are city-bound men, turning more and more to Nature for health and recreation, and willing to spend increasingly large sums for what they seek and find.

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