
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "clustered "

They clustered around the fire.

All the students were clustered around the bulletin board where their marks had been posted.

Many of Canada's cities are clustered along the American border.

Bees were clustered around the open jar of honey.

We found a bunch of crabs clustered under the rock when we turned it over.

The children all clustered around the teacher as she began to read the story.

Everyone clustered together under a tree when it began to rain.

Grumose: Coarser than the preceding, with a clotted[Pg 266] appearance, and particles in clustered grains (Fig.

[n] In Septosporium again, the threads and spores are similar, but the spores are pedicellate, and attached at or near the base; whilst in Acrothecium, with similar threads and spores, the latter are clustered together at the apex of the threads.

In Aspergillus, the threads are simple and erect, with a globose head, around which are clustered chains of simple spores.

[Pg 347] The Clustered Psathyrella.

The cups are clustered or scattered, subsessile, contracted into a short, stout, stem-like base.

Grumous, clotted; composed of little clustered grains.

The brighter stars clustered into well known groups upon a background formed of an enlacement of streams and convoluted windings and intertwined spirals of fainter stars, which became richer and more intricate in the irregularly rifted zone of the Milky Way.

long, solitary or clustered in the axils or at the end of stem.

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