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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "coarseness "

The hair varies in length, thickness and coarseness in the different species, and the different regions of the body.

A perfect Hercules for coarseness and strength does it appear when contrasted with some of the dainty members of the carrot tribe.

It is probably impossible to test this question with numerical accuracy; but the comparative coarseness of the toluol cloud is strikingly manifest to the naked eye.

The fore-feet of the Yahoo differed from my hands in nothing else but the length of the nails, the coarseness and brownness of the palms, and the hairiness on the backs.

There are proceedings of such a delicate nature that it is well to overwhelm them with coarseness and make them unrecognizable; there are actions of love and of an extravagant magnanimity after which nothing can be wiser than to take a stick and thrash the witness soundly: one thereby obscures his recollection.

The English coarseness and rustic demureness is still most satisfactorily disguised by Christian pantomime, and by praying and psalm-singing (or, more correctly, it is thereby explained and differently expressed); and for the herd of drunkards and rakes who formerly learned moral grunting under the influence of Methodism (and more recently as the "Salvation Army"), a penitential fit may really be the relatively highest manifestation of "humanity" to which they can be elevated: so much may reasonably be admitted.

And he’ll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance.

This coarseness of his angered her, and gave her courage.

' Thus earnestly besought, I made no reference to the Doctor for his permission, but, without any other compromise of the truth than a little softening of the coarseness of Uriah Heep, related plainly what had passed in that same room that night.

It sends the right message: that children should be protected from "the spirit-destroying coarseness of this culture.

On their first date, Maurice takes Sarah to the cinema to see an adaption of one of his novels and has to shield his eyes from the coarseness of it.

The bootstrapping probably acts to "smooth" the coarseness and irregularity that otherwise might cause inaccurate estimation of the center of location.

Luther,-whom we have called a Philistine of genius, and who, because he was a Philistine, had a coarseness and lack of spiritual delicacy which have harmed his disciples, but who, because he was a genius, had splendid flashes of spiritual insight,-Luther says admirably in his Commentary on the book of Daniel: "A God is simply that whereon the human heart rests with trust, faith, hope and love.

The practice of always singing loudly is greatly to be deprecated, leading as it does to undue strain, to coarseness of the voice, and to utter inability to modulate it into softness and purity of tone.

Then he recalled the coarseness and bluntness of her thoughts and the vulgarity of the expressions that were natural to her, though she had been brought up in the most aristocratic circles.

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